You’re in the right place, for all Ripper P.E for 2021!

Welcome to all of our community! It’s a fresh start with hopefully no more lockdowns and a full year of increased physical activity, House events, inter-school sport and other sporting events and hopefully the Olympics!

Firstly, I’d like to share that the government is fully onboard with advocating for the importance of physical activity embedded into whole school approach through the ‘Active Schools’ initiative. We have already engaged with the external organisation ‘ACHPER’ who have delivered a session to staff on how to embed physical activity as brain breaks through the day. The engagement and wellbeing team has this as one of their key actions to support the school to been active as often as possible. Activity enhance concentration, personal and social capabilities, mental and physical strength.  If you’re keen to know know more, click here. 

Now in terms of P.E this year, students know that to find out ‘What we are doing in P.E this year’ they can check out the schedule on the board in the Barrbunin. If you’d like to know more click here. What’s happening with school sport can be found here, as well as on the compass calendar. Hopefully, too you’ll have watched the videos we shared for the online curriculum evening.

So far, in Term 1 students in F-2 have rolled, jumped, spun and balanced with the gymnastics programme, as well as learning how to engage in positive play. Students in 3-6 have explored concepts required in all games such as sportsmanship and had the opportunity to explore SEPEP in 3/4 and sailing/SUP and inter-school sport in 5/6. This term, students so far in F have explored how to perform an overarm and underarm throw and students in 1/2 have explored how to catch the ball on the move and move the ball towards the goal in small sided modified games. In Grades 3-6 students have explored concepts in invasion games such as: calling for the ball, supporting the ball carrier, give and go and keeping back into position when possession has been lost. Students have had a voice in which invasion games they would like to explore such as: handball, touch rugby, AFL, netball, frisbee and hockey, so we are working through looking at the same strategy but changing the equipment.

For snippets along the way, please do check out seesaw and the newsletter for updates. As with all sporting events, information will be directed through compass. Make sure you have all the dates in your diaries.

“It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up”

Miss Jo

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